Required Labor Law Posters

The US Department of Labor requires that all workplaces with at least one employee must post certain federal, state, and OSHA labor law posters.  The purpose is to inform your employees of their employment and labor rights and the responsibilities their employer has to them.  First American Safety is an excellent solution to your labor law poster needs.  Our posters are affordable and guaranteed to be accurate.  Visit our Labor Law Posters Page to order posters for your workplace today!

Penalties for Non-Compliance

The Department of Labor and its state-level equivalents may visit your workplace to ensure compliance as part of a normal inspection or in response to a complaint.  Failure to display the required postings may result in steep fines.   Fines vary by infraction and the issuing agency, but can range from $110 to a maximum of $10,000.

Where to Display Posters

Labor law posters are required to be displayed in prominent areas where they will easily be seen by all employees.  This means that you will need multiple sets of posters if your workplace is large or  segmented such that not all employees will visit the same areas during their work day. The best places to display your posters include break rooms, clock-in areas, lunch areas, employee kitchens, and/or reception areas.  These are areas where employees often congregate or must pass through, thus ensuring they will be able to see the posters.

What Information Is On Labor Posters?

State and Federal labor law posting requirements vary depending on the location, industry, and size of the business.  Each state has their own posting requirements and employment regulations, but all workplaces must comply with federal regulations as well.  The Federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires that all businesses with at least one employee must display the following six posters:

  • Minimum Wage Compliance Poster
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Poster
  • Employee Polygraph Protection Act (EPPA) Poster
  • Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Poster
  • Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Poster
  • Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) Poster

Posters Must Be Updated

Labor law posting requirements change frequently across the country.  Employers are required to keep their posters up to date.  Most employers should expect to need to update their labor law posters at least once per year.  As a complimentary service, First American Safety will alert its customers when there are labor law changes in their state that may affect them.

Language Requirements

Certain states require that Spanish language posters be displayed in addition to English posters if your workplace meets certain criteria.  If your business is located in AZ, CA, FL, GA, NM, NC, NY, or TX and at least 5% of your workforce speaks Spanish as their primary language, you are required to post both English AND Spanish language labor law posters.  If you are not in one of these states that requires it, we still highly recommend posting Spanish language posters if any of your employees can only read in Spanish.  Employers are required to inform employees of their employment rights.

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