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What’s Wrong With This Picture?
What’s Wrong With This Picture Toolbox Topic
Take a look at the following pictures of various construction situations. Can you identify what’s wrong in each one? What should be done to correct these problems?

What’s Wrong – Skill saw guard is pegged back. Tool guards should never be modified or disabled.
Corrective Action – The guard should be released immediately. If the guard is damaged, take the saw out of service. Retraining should be conducted and the employee responsible should be written-up.

What’s Wrong – Broken insulation to the power cord.
Corrective Action – The power cord should be replaced. It should be destroyed and thrown away so nobody can take the unsafe cord home. Repairs should not be attempted.

What’s Wrong – Employee using a 20-foot extension ladder to repair roof on a new house. The base of the ladder is at the edge of the front porch steps and can easily slide-off.
Corrective action – Another employee should be standing at the base of the steps holding the ladder. Straight ladders should always be used at a 4:1 angle. In addition, the top of the ladder should be tied off.

What’s Wrong – Employee being lifted by a forklift on a pallet.
Corrective Action – A man basket is the only safe way to elevate employees with a forklift. Fall protection must be used and the basket should be secured to the forklift. The lift operator should never allow this to happen. Retraining and disciplinary action for both employees are needed. This was at a new elementary school.

What’s Wrong – Another new housing development. Employee bending over to repair the roof. No fall protection is worn.
Corrective Action – Fall protection must be worn when working 6-feet and above. There are several fall protection solutions available for this situation.